Feb 12, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

General Information

The Student Services area is administered by the Vice President for Student Services. This area provides the following support services to students: admissions, career information, academic advising, financial aid, services for students with disabilities, intramural sports, orientation, testing, advising, registrar services, and student activities. The overall goal of Student Services is to support the academic mission while attending to the total development of the student.

Disability Services Statement

Florida Gateway College will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. Students may obtain further assistance and information by calling Janice Irwin, coordinator of disability services, at (386) 754-4215. The Disability Services Office is located in Building 017, Room 021, 149 SE College Place, Lake City, FL 32025.

Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Statement

Florida Gateway College does not discriminate in education or employment related decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status in accordance with the law. The Equity Officer is Sharon Best, director of human resources, Building 001, Room 136, 149 SE College Place, Lake City, FL 32025, and may be reached at (386) 754-4313.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is crucial to a student’s success at Florida Gateway College and at any college or university to which a student may transfer. Advisors help orient the students to institutional academic policies and procedures and assist in the development of a student’s educational plan.

Each semester, students should make an appointment to consult with an advisor before registration; this can prevent delays in program completion. An advisor’s signature may be required on registration, add/drop/withdraw, change of major, and graduation application forms. Students who register over the Internet assume responsibility for selecting their own courses but are highly encouraged to meet with an advisor beforehand. Students with questions regarding academic advising should contact the Office of Advising and Services at (386) 754-4222.

Admission Services

The Office of Admissions serves as the conduit by which students learn of and gain access to higher education opportunities at Florida Gateway College. The Office of Admissions maintains the responsibility of disseminating recruitment materials and admission information to prospective students, further serving as a catalyst in identifying target markets for the recruitment of students and general marketing of the college. In addition to recruitment and admissions counseling, the Office of Admissions bears the responsibility of qualifying the admission and acceptance of prospective students to the College while adhering to College, state, and federal policies and procedures respective of the process by which students enroll in postsecondary education.

For additional information about admission to the college and the admissions process, please refer to the “General College Admission” section in this catalog and/or refer to the college website at www.fgc.edu. You may also contact Admissions Office staff via e-mail at admissions@fgc.edu and or/ by telephone at 386-754-4396.

Career Exploration

Student Services Career Center is housed in the Student Union Building. This center provides a variety of career services including interest inventories, resume development, and interviewing assistance.

College and university catalogs, career resource books, and career videotapes are available in the Center. Students have access to these tools from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and until 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday. In addition, the Florida Gateway College Library has a career exploration center where students can check out books on various occupations.

Multicultural Academic Success

The Multicultural Academic Success Program supports Florida Gateway College’s ongoing commitment to create and foster an intellectually and culturally diverse campus community. Students can develop the personal and academic skills needed to successfully complete college, with the help of:

  • Academic Advising
  • Mentoring
  • Study Groups
  • Career Planning
  • Early Academic Alert
  • Education Tours

The program is open to anyone who is committed to working to build a stronger academic and social community at Florida Gateway College and beyond. Contact the Multicultural Advisor at (386) 754-4434.

BayCare Life Management – Student Assistance Program

BayCare Life Management provides a comprehensive student assistance program for Florida Gateway College students. The program provides twenty-four hour telephone access for personal counseling issues. Counseling topics may include stress, anxiety, adjustment to college, depression, substance abuse, unhealthy relationships, time management, etc.

There is no cost to the student for assessment, referral, and up to three counseling sessions per student per year. Students may call BayCare toll free at 1-800-878-5470 to access these free services. These calls and subsequent counseling sessions are confidential

Disability Services 

All students have equal opportunities to pursue educational goals and are encouraged to participate fully in all phases of campus life. Therefore, Florida Gateway College provides an ongoing program of individualized guidance and support services for students with disabilities. To enable the success of students with disabilities at the College, students receive assistance in course registration and advising, instructional support, voter registration, and other identified educational services. Specialized assistance is often available by category of documented disability.

Students with disabilities are not required to disclose their disability to the College; however, voluntary disclosure is encouraged in order to provide as many services as possible to enable success. Documentation of one’s disability diagnosis must support the request for services. To be eligible for services, contact the Disability Services Coordinator upon arrival on campus or before taking the PERT or TABE placement test. Information remains confidential.

Current federal and state law may allow substitutions for graduation requirements for students with documented disabilities. However, all Florida Gateway College degrees, certificates and diplomas which have college identified “General Education” courses as essential parts of their academic program, require college level placement test scores or successful completion of college preparatory coursework, or college identified course substitutions for qualified disabilities. Check with the Disability Services Coordinator for consideration of this service. The College is working to ensure total access for all students. Persons with concerns regarding access to programs, services or activities are asked to contact the Disability Services Coordinator at (386) 754-4393.


2012-2013 Estimated Student Budget

  In-State Out-of-State
Home Budget    
Tuition/Fees $3,100 $11,747
Books/Supplies $1,271 $1,271
NOTE: Fees are subject to change by the Florida Legislature and Florida
Gateway College District Board of Trustees without notice.
Fees are affected by residency status.

Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Diploma Graduates (Special Diploma)

ESE Diploma graduates are eligible to take postsecondary occupational programs offered through FGC. At this time, that includes cosmetology, patient care assistant, welding, heating/air conditioning, patient care technician, and phlebotomy programs. In order to have more program options, students would need to take and pass the GED. Call (386) 754-4393 with further questions.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office provides financial assistance and counseling for students who need help in meeting college expenses. The College participates in four broad categories of financial aid to help support student needs: federal, state, institutional, and local. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from all categories. Federal and state financial aid is awarded according to each individual’s relative financial need as defined by the U.S. Department of Education formula “cost of education minus expected family contribution.”

Financial Aid Application Process

The financial aid process can take a number of weeks to complete and students are encouraged to apply early. Applications should be completed and submitted as soon as possible after January 1 in order to be considered for all types of aid for which they may be eligible.

To be considered for all types of aid the applicant should complete the following steps:

Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For FAFSA on the web, go to www.fafsa.gov. You can apply beginning January 1st to submit your FAFSA. But you need to apply early! At Florida Gateway College, we have priority deadlines for the 2012-2013 academic year to complete your financial aid file. Check the critical dates calendar for more information.

Step 2: Review your Student Aid Report (SAR). After you apply, if you listed an e-mail address, you will receive an e-mail stating that you can download your SAR. If you did not list an e-mail address, a paper SAR will be sent to you from the processor. Your SAR contains the information reported on your FAFSA and usually includes your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC is an index used to determined your eligibility for federal student aid. Review your SAR information and make any corrections or changes, if necessary. The school (s) you list on your FAFSA will get your SAR data electronically.

Step 3: Contact the school(s) you might attend. Make sure the Financial Aid office has all the information needed to determine your eligibility. If you’re eligible and your admission is complete, the Financial Aid Office will award you an aid package based on your financial aid need. It will be important for you to check the MY FGC area of the college’s home page. There you can find out (using your PIN) what your status is and what type of aid you have been awarded.

Financial Aid is disbursed to students as quickly as possible after classes begin. All students should inquire at the Financial Aid Office about the terms and conditions of financial assistance. As a result of the Higher Education Act of 1998, the refund/repayment requirements have changed for students receiving Title IV funds. In general, a portion of federal Title IV grants or loan funds, but not work study funds, must be returned to the Title IV programs upon a Title IV recipient’s total withdrawal from school.

Verification Policy

The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) randomly selects 30 percent of the school’s applicants for federal student aid for verification. In addition to the 30 percent selected by the USDOE, Florida Gateway College will select any SAR/ISIR with conflicting information. The institution is required by law to verify data of those selected.

Standards of Academic Progress (SAP)

The basic SAP policy at FGC for ann financial aid recipients is to complete 67 percent of all attempted classes and maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. For more detailed information, please see the college’s website at www.fgc.edu.


Federal Assistance

The College offers three types of financial assistance: grants and scholarships, work, and loans. The College also offers deferments of tuition for eligible financial aid students.

So that students may fully understand the nature of each award, they are detailed below. Additional information is available from the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Pell Grant

This federal money is available for undergraduate students working toward a first bachelor’s degree. Pell provides eligible students with a foundation of financial assistance. Eligibility is based on financial need and is determined by a federal formula consistently applied to all applicants. The amount of the grant ranges from $400 to $5,550, not to exceed one-half of the educational cost. A tentative estimate for the Pell Grant is included in each student’s award package. It is based on a student being enrolled full time (12 credits or more). If the enrollment changes to less than full time, the Pell Grant award is prorated accordingly. A student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determines the amount of the Pell Grant Award. It is a grant and nonrepayable.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

FSEOG also provides federal money for undergraduate students working toward their first bachelor’s degree. FSEOG is awarded to students who demonstrate extreme financial aid need and may not be available to all students, as funds are limited. It is a grant and nonrepayable.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

For undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, and graduate students who are or will be taking course work necessary to become elementary or secondary teacher. The recipient must sign Agreement to Serve saying he or she will teach full-time in designated teacher shortage area for four complete years (within eight years of completing academic program) at elementary or secondary school serving children from low-income families. The amount of the grant is up to $4,000 a year; total amount may not exceed $16,000.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

For students who are not Pell-eligible; whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11; and who, at the time of the parent’s or guardian’s death, were less than 24 years old or were enrolled at least part-time at an institution of higher education. The maximum amount is the same as the Pell maximum. It does not have to be repaid.

Federal Work Study

This is a program that offers part-time work experiences to eligible students. This program helps students earn a portion of their educational expenses. Jobs are on campus and arranged around a student’s class schedule. Students are paid semimonthly and earn the current federal minimum wage. Students average 15 to 20 hours of work per week depending on unmet financial aid need.

Direct Loans

On March 30, 2010, President Obama signed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HCERA), which, among other things, makes significant changes to the federal student loan programs authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. One of the provisions of the HCERA is the termination, as of July 1, 2010, of the authority for lenders to make new loans under the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. Therefore, beginning July 1, 2010, all new Stafford, PLUS, and Consolidation loans can only be made under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program.

Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan

This loan provides loans to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The federal government subsidizes the interest while the borrower is in an in-school, grace, or deferment period. A first-year undergraduate can borrow up to $3,500 per academic year; a second-year undergraduate can borrow up to $4,500 per academic year, if eligible. Interest rates, effective July 1, 2012 are a fixed 3.4 percent. Loans must be repaid.

All student loan borrowers will use the Master Promissory Note when applying for a Direct subsidized and/or unsubsidized Stafford Loan as mandated by federal regulations.

Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

This program provides loans to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The total amount a student may borrow under any period of study is generally the same amount as for the subsidized loan. Interest rates, as of July 1, 2012 are a fixed 6.8 percent. Unlike the subsidized Stafford, interest accrues from the day the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full, including in-school, grace, and deferment periods. You may choose to pay the interest during these periods, or it can be capitalized.

Direct PLUS Loan

This program makes long-term loans to parents of dependent students and/or independent students to pay for the portion of their child’s education that is not covered by other financial aid, such as the Federal Stafford Loan. Eligible borrowers may obtain loans up to the cost of education minus other financial aid. Direct PLUS loans are limited to individuals with no adverse credit history. Checks are made copayable to the school and students’ parent(s). Interest rates for 2012-2013 are 7.9 percent.

State Assistance

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG)

This Florida resident grant may be used to help with any college costs. An eligible student must be enrolled full time (12 or more credits) in a degree program and should have a completed error-free financial aid file at the college you plan to attend on or before May 15. The award is based on financial aid need.

First Generation Matching Grant

This grant is allocated by the State of Florida to students who are considered the first in their generation to attend college. Students must be a Florida resident, one or both of their parents did not attend college, must show financial need, and enrolled at least half-time. Renewal will be determined at the end of the spring semester. A student will only receive this award for a maximum of two years.

Florida Statutes State Financial Aid; Students with Disabilities

Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 1009.41(1)(b)1.b. regarding the number of credits earned per semester or other financial aid eligibility requirements related to the number of required credits earned per semester/term, a student with a documented disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, shall be eligible to be considered for state financial aid while attending an eligible postsecondary institution on a part-time basis. The State Board of Education shall establish the necessary criteria for documentation of the student’s disability and the postsecondary institution shall make the determination as to whether or not the disability is such that part-time status is a necessary accommodation. For the purposes of this section, financial aid funds may be prorated based on the number of credit hours taken.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program consists of Florida Academic Top Scholars, Florida Academic Scholarship, Florida Medallion Scholarship and Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship. These scholarships are funded by the State of Florida. The legislature determines the funding levels each academic year. Currently, the funding is a set dollar amount per credit hour depending on the type of scholarship awarded and the type of degree program the student has chosen. If you drop and/or withdraw from a class or classes, you are obligated to pay back the entire cost (tuition) of that class or classes. A hold will be placed on your records until the debt is paid in full. For more information, log on to www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org.

Jose Marti Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund

This scholarship provides assistance to Hispanic-American high school seniors who meet scholastic requirements and demonstrate financial need. The student must complete the Florida Financial Aid Application by April 1 and have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, including supporting documentation, by May 15.

Rosewood Family Scholarship Fund

This scholarship provides assistance to a maximum of 25 minority students to attend a state university, public community college, or public postsecondary occupational-technical school. Students who are direct descendants of African-American Rosewood families affected by the incidents of January 1923 receive priority for awards. The student should submit a fully completed (error-free) Florida Financial Aid Application online by April 1. If you are a Florida resident, complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online in time to be processed error-free by the U.S. Department of Education on, or before, May 15.

Other State Aid

There are other programs which are funded in varying degrees each year. Contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information and other state scholarship/loans programs. Any new scholarships are listed on the Financial Aid webpage of the college. For more information, a student may wish to contact the Bureau of Student Financial Assistance in Tallahassee at 1-800-827-2004.

Institutional Scholarship

District Board of Trustees Scholarship (Top Twenty Percent)

This scholarship is given to the top 20 percent of the five-county district high school graduating class each year. The scholarship pays $500 per semester (fall and spring) and can be renewed the second year if the student meets applicable criteria. The student must be enrolled at least halftime each semester the scholarship is received. This scholarship does not cover books.

Other Institutional Scholarships

The College also offers music, theater, and student government president scholarships. These scholarships range from full to partial assistance for tuition only.

Each institutional scholarship has its own particular requirements. Students are urged to contact the Financial Aid Office or go online at MyFGC for additional information.

Short Term Loan

The College offers institutional loans to students who require assistance on a short-term basis. Loans may be borrowed for tuition, books, or other direct educational expenses. Applications are available through the Financial Aid Office. A student may borrow for a period up to eight weeks or the last day of the semester, whichever comes first. A student must be enrolled at least halftime, have a cumulative 2.0 GPA, and show a viable means of repayment. A cosigner is necessary if the student’s source of repayment is any source other than approved financial aid. The cosigner cannot be another FGC student. The cosigner must be present when signing for the short-term loan or have the cosigner signature with current ID notarized prior to processing of the loan.

Delinquent loans are turned over to a collection agency. Any expense incurred by the College in collecting the note shall be borne by the signer and cosigner. Failure to repay your loan may cause additional charges to your account such as legal fees, court costs, and interest. Any fees incurred by the collection agencies, will be the responsibility of the borrower. The collection agency will have the option of credit bureau reporting on delinquent loans.

Foundation Scholarships

The Foundation for Florida Gateway College, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization providing financial support to help Florida Gateway College perform its mission of providing quality education. Revenues are received primarily from private contributions, investment income, and state matching funds. The Foundation supports the College by providing student scholarships, purchasing equipment, and providing other, much needed resources.

The generosity of individuals, organizations, and the business community make it possible for the Foundation to meet its objectives. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. Gifts of cash, stock, real estate, equipment, or most any other item of value may be donated. The Foundation may also be named in an individual’s will. Donations may be made to the general fund or to a specific program. Endowed funds may be named after a loved one or friend.

To see how you can help, please call the Foundation at (386) 754-4201 or write to Foundation for FGC, 149 S.E. College Place, Lake City, Florida, 32025-2007.

The following are the 2009-2010 endowed and annually funded scholarship and program enhancement funds made possible by the generous support of various individuals and organizations.

2012-2013 Scholarships

Action for Excellence GCO Scholarship
ACV Endowment LLC
AFA Falcon Chapter
Alfonso Levy Music Scholarship
Allied Health General Scholarship
Altrusa International of Lake City
Anderson Family Trust Scholarship
Andrew Clarke Memorial Scholarship
Arihunt Hospitality dba Hampton Inn & Suites
Ashley Nabinger Memorial
Ashlyn Hollingsworth Memorial
Baker County Education Foundation Scholarships
Baker County Incentive Scholarship
Bell High School Senior Scholarship
Beta Sigma Scholarship
Bill Giles IV Memorial Scholarship
Blue Cross Blue Shield Nursing Scholarship
Brad Hunter Memorial Scholarship
Brecht Scholarship/University of FL Scholarship
Bruce Hage Memorial Scholarship
Butch Oxendine Scholarship for SGA
Call Me Mister Scholarship
Capital City Bank Foundation Scholarship
Captain Chad Reed, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Cathryn Collins Vanous Music Scholarship
Central FL Electric Charity, Inc. Scholarship
Central FL Electric Cooperative Educational Charity Scholarship #1
Central FL Electric Cooperative Educational Charity Scholarship #2
Charles E. & Frances M. Osterman Memorial Scholarship
Chesley Hines Robertson, IV Memorial Scholarship
Choir/Music Scholarship
Chris Gallups Scholarship
Clanton Scaff Memorial Scholarship
Clara Bell Memorial Scholarship
Clarence E. and Rachel Hackney Brown Scholarship
Clay County Fair Association
CNB National Bank - William J. Streicher Fund
Coach Paul Quinn Memorial Scholarship
Columbia County Builder’s Association Scholarship
Columbia County Homemakers Scholarship
Columbia County Public Schools Foundation
Columbia County Resources Scholarship
Columbia High School Senior Scholarship
Council of Catholic Women
Darby Family Scholarship
David Norman Memorial Scholarship
Delta Kappa Gamma Nu Chapter Scholarship
Deputy Jeff Davis Memorial Scholarship
Dixie Community Services Scholarship
Dixie County Cattleman’s Association Scholarship
Dixie County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
Dixie County District Employees Scholarship
Dixie County Education Foundation Scholarship
Dixie County FFA Alumni Scholarship
Dixie County High School Senior Scholarship
Dixie County Rotary Club Scholarship
Donald R. Petry Memorial/First Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Dr. Carl & Muriel E. Arant Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Cliff Goodson Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Herbert Phillips Memorial/Rotary Club of Lake City Scholarship
Dr. Kyle Brown Scholarship
Dr. Muriel Kay Heimer Scholarship
Dream Big Scholarship
Drs. Chuck and Robin Hall Leadership Scholarship
Drs. Robin and Chuck Hall Women’s Leadership Scholarship
Drummond Community Bank Scholarship
Ed Combest Scholarship
Education Foundation of Gilchrist Co. Turner Law Enforcement Scholarship
Education Foundation of Gilchrist County General Scholarship
Education Foundation of Gilchrist County Para-Professional Scholarship
Education Foundation of Gilchrist County Teacher Cadet Scholarship
Edward K. Roberts Foundation Scholarship
EMT Scholarship
Evelyn D. Tompkins Memorial Scholarship
Faith Baptist Church Scholarship
Firefighters Scholarship
First Federal Bank of Florida at Baker County Education Foundation Sch.
First Federal Bank of Florida/Columbia High School Scholarship
First Federal Bank of Florida/Dr. Hugo Sotolongo Memorial Sch.
First Federal Bank of Florida/Duke McAllister Memorial Scholarship
First Federal Bank of Florida/Hamilton County High School Scholarship
First Federal Bank of Florida/Suwannee High School Scholarship
Florida Rural Rehabilitation Scholarship
Fort White High School Senior Scholarship
Francis Kayo Bowman GLO Scholarship
Frank and Elizabeth King Memorial/ First Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Garner Carmichael Memorial Scholarship
GCA Services Scholarship
Gene Jenkins Memorial Scholarship
GLO General Scholarship
Golf Course Builders Association of America Foundation Scholarship
Hal Y. Maines Memorial Scholarship
Hemophilia Foundation of Greater Florida Scholarship
Henry H. Reichhold Scholarship
Hodge Memorial Scholarship
Holly Burnette Memorial Scholarship
Honda Lake City/Jacksonville Scholarship
Howard Fertilizer Scholarship
Hunter Panels LLC Scholarship
J. Steven Broadhead Memorial Scholarship
J.B. Hodges Memorial Scholarship
J.E. Grantham Memorial/Dixie County Education Foundation Sch.
Jack Rountree GLO Endowed Scholarship
Jacobsen/Textron GCO Scholarship
JAGA Scholarship
James Montgomery Scholarship
Jeff Hayden Memorial Scholarship
Jim Camp Memorial Scholarship
Jim Pitman Memorial Scholarship
Joe & Homie Dobson Memorial Scholarship
Joe Lee Scholarship Foundation
Joe Persons Incentive Scholarship
Josephine Moses Memorial Scholarship
Judson Walker Memorial Scholarship
Julia Scarbrough Cline Mem./United Daughters of the Confederacy #2488
Kiwanis Club of Lake City Scholarship
Kristopher Thomas Memorial Scholarship
Lake Butler Rotary Club Scholarship
Lake City Garden Club Endowed Scholarship
Lake City Lions Club Endowed Scholarship
Lake City Lions Club Scholarship
Lake City Medical Center Auxiliary Endowed Scholarship
Lake City Medical Center Endowed Scholarship
Lake City Medical Center Scholarship
Lake City Police Department Scholarship
Lake City/Columbia County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
Larry Adams Memorial Scholarship
Leon Jacobsen Memorial Scholarship
Lucille “Busy” Kirkland Memorial Scholarship
Madalyn Carroll Memorial Scholarship
Marion Persons Memorial Scholarship
Marvin E. Jones Education Trust Scholarship
Mary Jane Weaver Scholarship
Math Up Scholarship
Mathew Odom Memorial Scholarship
Mathew O’Steen Scholarship
MedPro RX
Michael Davis Memorial Scholarship
Mildred Fite Allied Heath African American Scholarship
Mildred Fite Nursing Scholarship
Missy Lee Scholarship
MM Parrish Construction Scholarship
Momex Foods, Inc.
Music Kamp Scholarship
National MPS Scociety
NE FL One Shot/NE FL Buckmaster Scholarship
Neal Dukes Memorial Scholarship
NE FL Economic Council
Nestle Waters North America, Inc.
New Millennium Building Systems Scholarship
New York Times Scholarship
Nick Collins Jumpstart Scholarship
North Florida Golf Course Superintendents Chapter Scholarship
North Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association (NFGCSA)
Old Town Elementary Scholarship
P.C. & Virginia Crapps Memorial Scholarship
Parks Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Pauline Collins Memorial Scholarship
PCS Phosphate Scholarship
President’s Initiative Scholarship
Public Service Scholarship
Ray L. & Athena Brown Memorial Scholarship
Rayonier Scholarship
Rick Cheek Memorial Scholarship
Rita M. Walker Memorial Scholarship
Robert Lassett Memorial Scholarship
Robin Roberts Memorial Scholarship
Rotary Club of Lake City Scholarship
Rotary Club of Lake City-Downtown Scholarship
Roy Sells Memorial Scholarship
Sandra Jean Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Scaff ’s Inc./S & S Food Store Scholarship
Scholarship America
Schultz/Schwantj Memorial Scholarship
Shands at Lake Shore Auxiliary Scholarship
Shands Healthcare Nursing Work Grant
Skilled Health, Inc. - Gilchrist
State Farm Foundation Scholarship
State Farm of Lake City - John Kasak Scholarship
State Farm of Lake City - John W. Burns, III Scholarship
Steinhatchee AARP Scholarship
Steinhatchee Community Projects Scholarship
Students First Endowed Scholarship
Suwannee Lumber-Dickert Scholarship
Sweitzer Memorial Scholarship
Sylvia Davis Stambaugh Memorial Scholarship
The Episcopal Church
The Jordan Family Scholarship
Three Rivers Quail Unlimited Scholarship
Timberwolf! Music Scholarship
Tom Kirwan Memorial Scholarship
TORO Scholarship Scholarship
Trenton High School Senior Scholarship
Tustenuggee UMC Scholarship
Union County Quarterback Club Scholarship
US Bowling Congress
ValleyCrest Landscape Scholarship
Voncile Mole Memorial Scholarship
W. Brantley Brannon and Clarence E. Brown Memorial Scholarship
W.O. Johnsrud Memorial Scholarship
Weegie Lawrence Memorial Scholarship
William Streicher Memorial General Scholarship
William Streicher Memorial/Union County Scholarship
Wilson & Sophia Rivers Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Off-Campus Assistance


Many off-campus organizations and agencies offer educational financial assistance to students. All students are urged to contact any organization that offers assistance so that they may obtain the “best” package of financial aid possible. The College Financial Aid Office posts off-campus scholarship information as it is received.


The College also participates with several state agencies to provide needed educational support for district students. Students may find that they qualify for assistance offered through WIA (Workforce Investment Act) and any number of other public funding sources. Students are encouraged to contact any agency which might provide financial assistance for their education. Students should be aware that most outside assistance received must be counted as a resource in the eligibility of some types of financial aid.

Financial Aid Procedures

The procedure for each type of financial assistance may vary with the scholarship, grant, work, or loan. Students are urged to make early and regular contact with the Financial Aid Office to ensure a smooth application process. The application for federal and state financial assistance may be started as early as January 1 of each year.

General Rights of Students

  1. Nondiscrimination - There shall be no discrimination in any respect by the College against a student (or applicant for admission as a student) based on race, color, age, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation.
  2. Freedom of Speech and Assembly - Students shall have the right to freedom of speech and assembly without prior restraints of censorship, subject to clearly stated, reasonable and nondiscriminatory rules and regulations regarding time, place and manner. For more specific guidance, see the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook, or contact the student activities office at (386) 754-4317.
  3. Freedom of Press - In their publications, students are entitled to the constitutional right of freedom of the press, including constitutional limitations on prior restraint and censorship.
  4. Protection Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures - Students are entitled to the constitutional right to be secure in their persons, dwellings, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. College safety officers or administrative officers may conduct searches and seizures only as authorized by law.
  5. Student Representation in College Governance - Students should be represented on campus committees that have the following duties:
    1. To propose policies that affect student activities and conduct.
    2. To make decisions on student activity budget matters.
  6. Disruption-free Learning Environment - Discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter are recognized as necessary to the educational process, but students have the right to a classroom free from disruptions which interfere with learning. The instructor sets the standard of acceptable behavior in the classroom. In the interest of preserving the rights of others, a student may be dismissed from a class for unacceptable behavior.
  7. Records
    1. General - The Registrar’s Office will maintain and safeguard student academic records. All official student and former student records are private and confidential. Separate records may be maintained by the following offices: vice president for student services, academic, advising, financial aid, deans, veterans’ affairs, and disabled student services.
    2. Notification of Rights under FERPA - The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include the right to inspect and review education records and the right to request the amendment of education records that are believed to be inaccurate or misleading. Once a student is enrolled as a postsecondary student, parents have no inherent rights to inspect a student’s education records. However, records may be released to parents if:
      1. the student gives written consent,
      2. a subpoena is issued and/or
      3. the parent(s) submits evidence to the Registrar’s Office that the student is claimed as a dependent on their most current Federal Income Tax form. Detailed information about FERPA, including who may have access to information contained in your records, is available at the Registrar’s Office in Building 015 or on the College Web site at www.fgc.edu/current-students/registrar/ferpa/. You have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

  1. Students With Disabilities – Florida Gateway College will comply with all Federal and State laws related to the civil rights of the disabled, including the American with Disabilities Act, the ADA Amendments, the Rehabilitation Act and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments. For qualified persons with appropriate documentation of their disabilities, this may include the reasonable substitution of requirements for admission to the College, admission to a program of study or graduation from Florida Gateway College. For services, contact Janice Irwin, Coordinator of Disability Services, located in Building 017, Room 021, or phone (386) 754-4215, preferably prior to arrival on campus.
  2. Student Privacy Information - The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides certain privacy rights to students related to educational records. This information can be found in the College Catalog, at the Registrar’s Office in Building 015 or on the College Web site: www.fgc.edu/current-students/registrar/ferpa.

Rights Of Due Process

All students are guaranteed the following rights required by due process:

  1. The right to specific written notification of the charges. (It is the responsibility of the student to have a current mailing address on file with the Registrar.)
  2. The right to the names of the accusers and a copy of all written statements regarding the charges.
  3. The right to choose between a public or private hearing.
  4. The right to a prompt hearing.
  5. The right to an advocate of choice provided that advocate is not an attorney.
  6. The right to hear accusers and all witnesses.
  7. The right to present witnesses or evidence.
  8. The right to refuse to give self-incriminating testimony.
  9. The right to a full and complete record of the hearing.
  10. The right to an appeal.

Procedures For Appeals

Students have the right to appeal. The following procedures shall govern appeals by affected persons of post-admission student issues. This procedure shall not apply to decisions of agencies other than Florida Gateway College such as clinical facilities or employers of students and other businesses allowing job-site training of students. The College has no authority over those decisions.

  1. Any student may appeal an academic action or disciplinary decision resulting from a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, in writing, to the appropriate vice president within 15 working days after receiving notice of such action or decision. For good cause shown, the appeal period may be extended to decide the appeal.
  2. The appeal must be presented in writing. The matters may be referred to the Campus Appeals Board for consideration or decided by the vice president for student services, as the student elects.
  3. A final appeal may be referred to the president.


A student may appeal to the Office of the Ombudsperson a decision that is related to the student’s access to courses and credit granted toward the degree. The Ombudsperson can be reached at (386) 754-4267.

  • The student may contact the Ombudsperson directly.
  • The Ombudsperson may serve as a student advocate and/or mediator regarding academic matters.
  • The Ombudsperson is accountable to the College President in his/her role as Ombudsperson.
  • This information is provided to students in the College Catalog and the Student Handbook which are also available on the college website.


Florida Gateway College believes that one of the keys to student success is knowledge and successful integration into the college community. The orientation program is designed to facilitate the smooth transition of students to college. Orientation is the first formal step in the transition process for students and includes opportunities to enhance both academic and personal development.

Students will be notified as the orientations are scheduled. These highly informative sessions provide information about scheduling, registration, financial aid, college survival tips, and other details necessary for college life.

While orientation is not mandatory, new students are strongly encouraged to avail themselves of the information and resources given at each orientation session. Students desiring information about orientation should contact the Admissions Office for more details.

Registration and Records

The Registrar’s Office is located in the Mathewson Building (015) and interacts with a student in many areas of his or her on-campus life. Among these are:

  1. Registration,
  2. Providing transcripts of student academic records,
  3. Verification and certification of enrollment status,
  4. Graduation,
  5. Processing name and address changes,
  6. Veteran’s services, and
  7. Grade processing and reporting.

Additional information about records can be found in the section entitled “Student Records.” Registration information is detailed in the “Advising, Testing, and Registration” section. Veterans’ information is explained in greater detail in the “Veterans’ Services” section in this catalog. A student who desires more information about general registration or records should contact the Registrar’s Office.

Online Self-Service for Students

Students with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) may access online self-service for students from the MyFGC link on the College’s Web page. Among other things, students may:

  1. Register for classes, including add/drop, during established registration periods
  2. Pay for classes
  3. View or print schedule of classes
  4. View or print unofficial transcripts
  5. View and print final grades
  6. View account summary
  7. Perform degree evaluations to see classes or other requirements for a major
  8. Update address
  9. View assigned student e-mail address
  10. Check financial aid status
  11. View and accept/decline financial aid awards

Student Activities

Located in Building 007, The Charles W. Hall Student Center offers students a variety of leisure time activities. From ping pong, to pool, to air hockey, there are many ways to pass the time recreationally. Additionally, we offer giant sized chess, giant Jenga, and several TVs available for playing video games. There is Wi-Fi available for students who bring laptops. . This office works with students in three vital areas of college life: activities and programs, student government, and the processing of identification cards.

The Student Activities Office provides a diversified program of both social and cultural activities to enhance a student’s college education. Students are given encouragement to develop leadership abilities through club and organizational activities.

A wide array of activities, both structured and unstructured, are coordinated through the Student Activities Office. The College attempts to provide both on- and off-campus activities to augment the learning experience. Some of these activities have included trips around Florida and the southeastern United States. On-campus activities include fall and spring festivals, cultural events, scavenger hunts, workshops, game shows, art contests, and trips. For the outdoors- minded, canoes may be rented from the Student Activities Office.

Student Government Association

Student Government at Florida Gateway College operates through elected representatives and club representatives. The Student Government Association serves as a liaison between the student body and the College administration. Students are urged to become involved in the executive or legislative branches of Student Government as time and opportunity permits.

The Student Government Association meets on a regular basis. Students interested in becoming part of this organization should contact the Coordinator of Student Activities at (386) 754-4317 for additional information.

Student Representation in College Governance

Students are represented on campus committees that have the duty to propose policies that affect curriculum, programs, student activities and conduct; make policy decisions on such matters; and implement policy. Student representatives are recommended for these committees by the Student Government Association and appointed by the Vice President for Student Services.

Identification Cards

A student identification (ID) card may be obtained from the Student Activities Office. Any student registered for three or more credit hours is eligible for a card. The student’s picture, name, and student ID number appear on the card, which serves as campus identification and entitles the student to library privileges, admission to all student activities-funded events, and voting privileges in student elections.

An ID card is valid for two years from the date of issue. The initial card is free. A charge of $5 will be made to replace a lost card.

When a student goes to the Student Activities Office to obtain photo ID cards, he/she needs to bring a copy of his/her class schedule or other document that includes their student identification number. The student must also present a photo ID.

Intramural Activities

Intramural activities provide opportunities for all students to participate in various competitive activities such as flag football, dodgeball, basketball, billiards, soccer, cards, etc. Students interested in forming or joining an intramural activity should contact the coordinator for Student Activities.

Student Records

Notification of Rights under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 30 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar, the student will be informed as to the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. A hearing will be conducted upon written request to the president. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. A student who conducts an unsuccessful appeal to the College, and whose records are not amended by the College, may place a statement in their education record commenting upon the information therein, and/or setting forth any reason for disagreement. Such a statement by a student shall become part of the student’s record and disclosed with it. A student who wishes to challenge a specific grade must first consult with the faculty member. If the situation is not resolved, the student may consult with the appropriate vice president. Final appeal shall be to the Campus Appeals Board via the Vice President for Student Services.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. According to FERPA the College may release information without the student’s written consent to the following or under the exceptions noted below:
    1. To school officials, as identified by the College, determined to have a legitimate educational interest, Note: A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff ); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); contractors, consultants, volunteers and other outside parties to whom the College has outsourced institutional services or functions; a person serving on the District Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the College discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll and to officials of other schools in accordance with the provisions of articulation agreements with the College.
    2. Upon request, to officials of other institutions in which the student seeks to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the enrollment or transfer,
    3. To persons or organizations providing financial aid to the student, or determining financial aid decisions,
    4. To accrediting organizations carrying out their accrediting functions,
    5. To persons in compliance with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena,
    6. To persons in an emergency, if the knowledge of information, in fact, is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons, including release to student’s parents,
    7. To parents of dependent students,
    8. To organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of educational agencies or institutions,
    9. To authorized representatives of The Comptroller General of the United States, The Attorney General of the United States, The Secretary, or state and local educational authorities,
    10. After removal of all personally identifiable information provided that the institution has made a reasonable determination that a student’s identity is not personally identifiable, whether through single or multiple releases, and taking into account other reasonably available information.
    11. Transcripts, recommendations, etc. that appear to have been falsified may be returned to the sending/creating institution or school official in order to confirm authenticity, allow for denying accuracy of the record, and to send a correct version.
    12. In compliance with The Patriot Act, The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, and The Clery Act.
    13. In connection with legal actions between the institution and the student.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

  1. FERPA permits institutions to identify certain items of information as “directory information.” Directory information may be released to third parties without the consent of the student, unless the student specifies in writing to the Registrar, that he or she does not wish this information released. No directory information will be released without the student’s authorization during the first ten days of a semester to allow students time to file a nonrelease request with the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Directory Information: Directory information may be released to third parties without the consent of the student unless a student specifies in writing to the Registrar’s Office that the information is not to be released. The following items are considered directory information at Florida Gateway College.
    • Student’s name
    • Date and place of birth
    • Major field of study
    • Dates of attendance
    • Degrees and awards received
    • Most recent educational institution attended by the student
    • Enrollment status
    • Full or part-time status
    • County of residence

Nondirectory information may be released to state and governmental agencies in accordance with state and federal guidelines.

  1. Copies of Records: Copies of material in a student’s record will be furnished to the student upon written or personal request. There may be a nominal charge for duplication of records materials. Florida Gateway College does not provide copies of other institution’s records or transcripts to students or forward them to other institutions.
  2. Rights of Parents: Once a student is enrolled as a postsecondary student, parents have no inherent rights to inspect a student’s educational records. However, records may be released to parents if:
    1. The student gives written consent,
    2. A subpoena is issued,
    3. The parent(s) submits evidence to the Registrar’s Office that the student is claimed as a dependent on their most recent Federal Income Tax form.

The College does have the right to notify the parents if the student is under the age of 21 and the College determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

  1. Waiver of Confidentiality: A student may request that their records be released to another individual, organization, or institution. This consent to release records must be in writing, signed and dated, and specify: a) the records to be released, b) the purpose of the disclosure, and c) the party (or parties) to whom disclosure may be made. The College has developed a specific form for release of transcript information.
  2. Denial of Transcript Access: Student transcripts may not be released if a student owes an obligation in money or property to the College, or fails to pay the required transcript fee, if applicable.

Notification of Social Security Number Collection and Usage

Admissions Office

NOTIFICATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER COLLECTION AND USE: In compliance with and pursuant to Florida Statute 119.071 (5), 1008.386, 1002.22(2), and SBE Rule 6A - 1.0955 (3)(e), Florida Gateway College (FGC) issues this notification regarding the purpose of the collection and use of your Social Security number. FGC collects your Social Security number for use in performance of the college’s duties and responsibilities. In a seamless K-20 educational system, it is beneficial for postsecondary institutions to have access to the same information for purposes of tracking and assisting students in the transition from one educational level to the next. Federal legislation relating to the Hope Tax Credit requires that all postsecondary institutions report the Social Security number of all post-secondary students to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This IRS requirement makes it necessary for colleges to collect the Social Security number of every student. A student may refuse to disclose his/her Social Security number to the college, but refusing to comply with the federal requirement may result in fines established by the IRS. Providing your SSN signifies that you consent to the use of your number in the manner described. To protect your identity, FGC will secure your Social Security number from unauthorized access. FGC will never release your Social Security number to unauthorized parties, and each student at FGC will be issue a unique student identification number. Your unique student identification number is used for all educational purposes at FGC including registration, access of your online record, etc. All Social Security numbers are protected by federal regulations and are never released to unauthorized parties. For additional detailed information on the college’s collection and use of Social Security numbers, please visit the college’s website at www.fgc.edu.

Registrar’s Office

All SSNs are protected by federal regulations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and are NEVER released to unauthorized parties. Your SSN is used for legitimate business purposes, as set forth below.

  • Completing and processing enrollment certification for students applying for Veterans benefits (Veterans Administration)
  • Verifying identification on transcripts for evaluation and award of transfer credit

Human Resources Department

Your SSN is used for legitimate business purposes in compliance with:

  • Completing and processing the Federal I-9 (Department of Homeland Security)
  • Completing and processing Federal W4, W2, 1099 (Internal Revenue Service)
  • Completing and processing Federal Social Security taxes (FICA)
  • Processing and distributing Federal W2 (Internal Revenue Service)
  • Completing and processing quarterly Unemployment Reports (FL Dept. of Revenue)
  • Completing and processing Florida Retirement Contributions reports (FL Dept. of Revenue)
  • Completing and processing Workers Compensation claims (FCCRMC and Department of Labor)
  • Completing and processing 403(b) and 457(b) Contribution reports and FICA Alternative enrollment
  • Completing and processing group health, life, and dental coverage enrollment and census reports
  • Completing and processing various supplemental insurance deduction reports
  • Verify identification for Employment verification

Providing your Social Security number is a condition of employment at FGC.

Student Conduct

College students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately both on and off campus. Students are subject to federal, state, and local ordinances as well as regulations prescribed by Florida Gateway College. A breach or violation of any of these laws or regulations will result in disciplinary action.

Every student, by the act of registering at Florida Gateway  College, is obligated to obey the rules and regulations established by the College. Specific regulations are outlined in the Student Handbook, which is available through the Vice President for Student Services, or on the College Web site.

The College reserves the right to discipline any student whose conduct is considered unbecoming or detrimental to the College or the community.

The Vice President for Student Services is responsible for the administration of student discipline as described in the Student Code of Conduct. Students charged with disciplinary infractions may have their cases heard by the Campus Appeals Board or by the Vice President for Student Services. In all cases students will be accorded all components of due process. The President is the final authority on appeals at the institutional level.

Veteran’s Services

Florida Gateway College is an approved site for the education and training of veterans and veterans’ dependents. The College maintains a full-time employee who oversees the Veteran’s Affairs Office. This office is located within the Registrar’s Office.

Application Procedures

A student interested in applying for veterans’ benefits should complete an application for general college admission and a veteran’s (VA) application. If a veteran has not previously applied for VA benefits he/she should provide the following to the Veteran’s Affairs Office:

  1. a copy of each DD-214, “member four copy,” and
  2. copies of marriage certificate, divorce decrees, children’s birth certificates, and/or any other papers depicting VA dependent status.

Due to the lengthy processing time of VA paperwork, veterans are advised to apply for benefits well in advance of registration.


After verification of official enrollment, the College Veteran’s certifying official certifies enrollment to the Veteran’s Administration. The College does not determine eligibility or amount of benefits.

Programs of Education

The Veteran’s Administration will only pay benefits if a veteran, or other eligible person, is seeking a degree or certificate. Only courses applicable to fulfilling degree requirements are used for certification. A course taken for audit cannot be approved for benefits.

A veteran student who must take an OJT (on-the-job training) course and wishes to receive veteran’s educational benefits cannot go beyond a 500 mile radius from Florida Gateway College. Some out-of-state locations can be approved. However, the students must consult with the Veteran’s certifying official on campus prior to selecting a training site. Failure to do so could result in an overpayment of educational benefits.

Veteran students are eligible for independent study courses and open circuit TV courses.

Change of Educational Program/Change of Educational Status

Payment of Benefits

A delay in payments can result from a veteran student not reporting changes in enrollment or changes of program. Since the first VA checks are delayed, it is advisable for the veteran to be prepared to meet all expenses for approximately two months.

A veteran student may change programs and continue to receive benefits only with approval from the Veteran’s Administration and approval of their college academic advisors. If a student changes their educational program without contacting the Veteran’s certifying official, he/she will experience a delay in payment of benefits and a hold is placed on their records until necessary paperwork is filed with the Veteran’s certifying official. The Veteran’s certifying official is located in the Registrar’s Office, Building 015.

Standards of Progress

Satisfactory academic progress must be maintained by the veteran in order to be certified for VA benefits. For more information, refer to sections of the catalog related to Academic Standards of Progress, Academic Warning, Probation and Suspension, Readmittance After Suspension, and Academic Dismissal.

Students on academic probation will be reported to the VA for unsatisfactory progress. Being placed on academic suspension or academic dismissal will result in the termination of the veteran’s benefits.

Standards of Progress Appeals

A veteran may appeal academic suspension or academic dismissal resulting in termination of veteran’s benefits, by following the Academic Appeals process in the catalog. If the appeal results in authorization for the student to enroll for classes and a change of academic standing to academic probation, it is the student’s responsibility to provide a copy of the authorization to the Veteran’s certifying official. The Veteran’s certifying official will notify the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Fee Deferment

Florida law provides for deferment of fee payment for veterans. Deferment is limited to one term per academic year. The deferment of fees shall begin the first scheduled day of class and must be paid within 60 days for spring and fall semesters and 20 days for summer terms or within 10 days of the end of the semester/term; whichever is less. Repayment of the deferment is due within the specified time limit even if VA benefits have not been received. Veterans or eligible dependents should contact the Veteran’s certifying official on campus for more details. Veterans who do not repay their deferment will be dropped from classes for that semester.

Change in Status

VA benefits will be reduced if a veteran, by auditing or withdrawing from a class, changes enrollment status. VA benefits are reduced at the time of change and the veteran or dependent is responsible for any overpayment of benefits, which results from that change.


Punctual and regular attendance is encouraged in all courses, and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of each instructor’s policy concerning absences. Each instructor is requested to notify the Veteran’s certifying official on campus when a veteran or eligible dependent begins to be excessively absent. Excessive absence is defined as unexcused absences exceeding 15 percent of the total classroom contact hours. Any student reported as absent, or not regularly attending, will be reported to the VA as having terminated as of the last date of class attendance.

Tutorial Assistance

Assistance for veterans and eligible dependents is available. Students should contact the campus Veteran’s certifying official by calling (386) 754-4398 for specific details.


Additional information about veteran’s services is available through the Veteran’s certifying official on campus, which can be reached by calling (386) 754-4398 or students may call the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation or certificate completion requirements may change between published catalogs due to changes in state laws or college policy. Students are encouraged to schedule classes with the assistance of an academic advisor.

Any course substitution or waiver must be approved in writing and made a part of the student’s academic record.

A degree seeking student must complete all graduation requirements as outlined in the Academic section of the catalog.


All applicable credits, whether earned at Florida Gateway College or another regionally accredited college, will be used to compute graduation requirements.

Catalog of Entry

A student has five calendar years to fulfill the graduation requirements outlined in the College catalog in effect at the time of his or her first enrollment, if he or she is continually enrolled in classes. Continual enrollment is defined as enrollment for at least one semester each year. If a student has not fulfilled the requirements within the five-year period, he or she is subject to the requirements in effect at the beginning of the sixth year or at the time the student is readmitted to the College.

A student enrolled in programs in which curriculum is determined by state legislation, rule, licensing and/or accrediting agencies, or a student enrolled in programs in which significant “state-of-the-art” technological changes have occurred, may be required to satisfy the current catalog’s graduation requirements.


The President’s List is published after the fall and spring semesters. Students who earned 12 or more credits in that semester with a grade point average of 4.0 in those courses are eligible for recognition on the President’s List.

The Vice President’s List is published after the fall and spring semesters. Students who earned 12 or more credits in that semester with a cumulative semester grade point average of 3.5 and no grade below a C in those courses are eligible for recognition on the Vice President’s List.

Grades of I, N, or U make a student ineligible for the President’s List or the Vice President’s List. These honors are not retroactive due to grade changes or other reasons.

If an A.A. or A.S. student graduates with one of the following cumulative grade point averages in college credit courses, an honors designation will appear on the academic record as follows:

3.75 to 4.0 - Summa cum laude
3.50 to 3.74 - Magna cum laude
3.33 to 3.49 - Cum laude

Graduation Ceremony

The College conducts dual graduation ceremonies one day per year. The ceremonies are held at the end of the spring semester. To receive a diploma and/or participate in the graduation ceremony, which includes having the student’s name printed in the graduation program, a student must meet all graduation requirements and file an application for graduation with the Registrar’s Office in accordance with the published deadline. A student must meet with an advisor when applying for graduation. A student completing all degree or certificate requirements in the previous fall semester, or current spring semester, may participate in a ceremony. A student expecting to complete all requirements within the Summer A or B terms may participate, provided they need no more than 12 credits to complete those requirements. Recognition of honors in the graduation ceremony is based on the cumulative GPA in college credit courses at the end of the fall semester.

Graduation information and the degree are mailed to the address on file in the Registrar’s Office. The student is responsible for updating that information.