Feb 13, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Business Services

General Information

The Business Services division is administered by the Vice President for Business Services. This division provides the following services: business office, payroll, purchasing, technology, parking and traffic, college bookstore, cafeteria and vending, facilities and maintenance, and campus security.

These services join together with Instruction and Student Services to provide a comprehensive academic environment for the student while on campus.

A primary responsibility of the Business Office concerns student fees and charges. The information listed below is intended to provide a general overview of tuition, fees, and charges.

General Fees and Charges

The College has established fee payment deadlines for each term. The critical dates calendar includes the date that the tuition and out-of-state fees are due each term. If the College has not received your fees by the designated deadlines, you will be dropped from your classes. Fees for students who register for classes after the designated due date are due each day. Students dropped for nonpayment must re-register on a space available basis. If you are mailing fees, be sure to allow sufficient mail time. The College will not be responsible for students dropped from courses due to mail delays. No registration will be completed until all fees are paid in full. Fees can be found online. Fees are subject to change without notice and are affected by residency status and legislative action. Fee increases, which are approved after a student has paid his or her fees, will be retroactively billed to the student. The fee schedule for the current academic year is available at https://www.fgc.edu/current-students/cashiers-office/Click here to see the fee schedule for the current academic year.

There may be additional charges associated with a distance learning course. Please see the schedule for fees associated with each course. There are no additional charges associated with verification of student identity.

A student is only considered to be an officially registered student of the College after having paid for all classes which he or she scheduled. Students who fail to make prior arrangements, or who do not complete fee payments as scheduled, shall forfeit all course selections. State laws and regulations prohibit the extension of credit.

Students who pay fees by student loans, scholarships, or through state or federal agency authorization must follow all procedures in the same manner as though they are paying cash. In addition, these students must complete arrangements and receive approval of loans, scholarships, or agency payments by the Financial Aid office or Business office, prior to the deadline for payment listed in the critical dates calendar.

Checks and/or money orders made payable to the College should be for the exact amount of fees due. The College accepts Visa/MasterCard. Payment may be made in person at the Cashier’s Office, or online through the College’s Web registration system. The College reserves the right to drop a class, or classes, from a student’s registration if fees are not paid in full by the payment due date.

A student who obtains a scholarship outside of the College should have that donor submit a letter to the College Foundation Office. The letter should explain the nature and scope of the scholarship, including the amount authorized, terms, recipient, and billing addresses of the donor. Letters from scholarship donors must be received before the start of registration.

A student who receives financial assistance through an off-campus agency is considered to be “sponsored” by a third party. A student in this category must obtain written authorization from their sponsor and submit it to the billing coordinator located in Building 15, next to the Cashier’s Office, before the start of registration.

If authorizations are not on file with the billing coordinator, then students will be dropped from their classes. The college cannot act on verbal agreements to pay. If donors or sponsors do not render payment according to their agreements, then students will be required to pay within 30 days of being billed by the College. Donors or sponsors who do not pay according to their agreements may have their privilege of issuing authorizations to the College suspended. If the sponsoring agency or organization does not render payment to the College, the sponsored students will be liable for the charges incurred on their behalf.

Students who have authorizations or financial aid in place or those receiving veterans’ benefits, but whose receipt of payment or aid is delayed for reasons beyond their control, may apply for a deferment of tuition and fees each semester. Students eligible for veterans’ benefits and seeking a deferment must complete a Request for Deferment form with the FGC Veterans’ Certifying Official.

Students who register for classes are responsible for all fees associated with those classes. Students who decide not to attend or wish to withdraw from a class are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from class by the appropriate published date. Students who have not been identified by their instructor as never attending will not be automatically dropped or withdrawn. Any student not dropped or withdrawn by the published date will remain officially registered, liable for all fees, including collection charges, and assigned an earned grade at the end of the semester.

Students who withdraw from classes and received financial aid may have to repay all or part of their financial aid award. Students who received financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from any classes.

Fees for Retaking Courses

Florida State law mandates additional tuition/fees for the third attempt at any college level or college developmental education (dev ed) course. The increased fees will be the equivalent of the full cost of tuition and fees. To avoid the additional charges, you must drop a class prior to the end of add/drop. Withdrawing from a course after that time counts as an attempt.

Students should be aware that state law allows only three attempts in any college level or college dev ed class. A student who does not complete the same developmental education course within three attempts will be prohibited from registering for any college class, whether it is for college level or developmental education courses. For these purposes, a withdrawal or a change to an audit counts as an attempt. After three unsuccessful attempts in any developmental education class (or after an unsuccessful fourth attempt, if approved by the Vice President for Student Services), a student will not be able to continue in any college class until appropriate remediation is sought from other sources. If you find yourself in this situation, speak with your advisor for appropriate alternatives.

A student may have only three attempts per college credit course, including the original grade, repeat grades, and withdrawals at any point. Students who do not complete the same college credit course within three attempts may not take that class for a fourth time.

Students who do not complete a course within three attempts may petition for a fourth attempt. The student must submit a written petition to the Vice President for Student Services requesting permission to take the course for a fourth time. Students must pay full cost of instruction charges for all fourth attempts.

College Refund Policy

The College, in conjunction with applicable state and federal laws, will refund monies paid by students in the following manner:

  1. Full fees will be refunded for any credit course which is dropped by the last day of the published add/drop period. The add/drop period will be clearly published in the College catalog and on the academic calendar on the College web site.
  2. Up to 100 percent of the fees will be refunded if a student drops from a course due to circumstances determined by the College to be exceptional and beyond the control of the student, including but not limited to:
    1. illness of a student of such severity or duration, as confirmed in writing by a physician, to preclude completion of the course(s),
    2. death of the student or death in the immediate family (parent, spouse, child or sibling),
    3. involuntary call to active military duty,
    4. a situation where the College is in error,
    5. a change of course or section(s) initiated by the College because of a cancellation, time and/or location, or
    6. other circumstances that may be approved by the College President or his/her designee(s).
  3. Minimester Credit Classes: Full fees will be refunded for any class offered for less than a full semester in length if it is dropped during the add/drop period for the minimester part of term. For minimester classes that are not in a designated minimester part of term, full fees will be refunded if it is dropped during the first three business days starting the first day of the minimester class.
  4. Upon the recommendation of the appropriate academic Vice President, a credit for the amount of credit matriculation/tuition fees may be applied to the student’s account to be applied toward payment of such fees within the next calendar year. If not used within the next calendar year, this credit to the student will be forfeited. This credit will be in lieu of refunds.
  5. Noncredit Matriculation Tuition: Full fees will be refunded if the noncredit course is dropped at least three working days before the start of the class. If a course must be canceled by the College, then full fees will be refunded.
  6. Special courses, seminars, institutes, and workshops: The fee for special courses and events will be fully refundable up to three working days before the event. After that time, no refund is possible.
  7. Students suspended for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for any refunds.
  8. The President or a designated representative may vary from these procedures if compelling reasons exist, such as accident or extended illness.

This college refund policy dictates that fees will be refunded in full for coursework dropped during the add/drop period or cancelled by the College. However, the federal refund/repayment policy supersedes the College refund policy for students receiving financial aid and who completely withdraw from the College.

Non-refundable fees:

  1. Full fees are non-refundable after add/drop.
  2. Late Fee: The fee for late registration is non-refundable, except if all classes for which the student is registered are canceled by the College or the student drops all classes prior to the end of the add/drop period.
  3. Lab Fees: Lab fees are non-refundable after add/drop.
  4. The college will not issue a refund check in the amount of $5.00 or less.

Refund/Repayment Policy

As a result of the amended Higher Education Act of 1998, a student who attended this institution and received Title IV grant or loan assistance and who completely withdraws from the institution during a payment period or period of enrollment in which the student began attendance, may be required to repay a percentage of the unearned financial aid. All students receiving Title IV assistance and who completely withdraw from the institution are subject to this federal law. The institution must determine the amount of Title IV grant or loan assistance that the student earned as of the student’s withdrawal date. For purposes of this section, “Title IV grant or loan assistance” includes only assistance from the Federal Perkins Loan, Direct Loan, FFEL, Federal Pell Grant, National SMART Grant, TEACH Grant, and FSEOG programs, not including the non-federal share of FSEOG awards if an institution meets its FSEOG matching share.

Advising Services, located in Building 014, is the designated office to contact about withdrawing from the College. They can be contacted at (386) 754-4222. This office will assist the student in completing the official withdrawal form and the exit interview. If a student is unable to come to campus, he or she may contact Advising Services by phone.

The federal “Return of Title IV Funds” formula dictates the amount of federal Title IV aid that must be returned to the federal government by the school and/or the student. The federal formula is applied to any Title IV recipient who withdraws on or before the 60 percent point in time in the semester. The percentage to be returned is equal to the number of calendar days remaining in the semester divided by the number of calendar days in the semester. Scheduled breaks of more than four consecutive days are excluded.

For the student who attended the institution and received Title IV grant or loan assistance (other than Federal Work Study) or whose parents received a Federal PLUS Loan on behalf of the student, and who withdrew or failed to attend the payment period or period of enrollment before the 50 percent point, may owe an overpayment. This is determined by subtracting the amount of Title IV assistance earned by the student from the amount of Title IV aid that was disbursed to the student as of the date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew.

If any funds are to be returned to the Title IV programs, the institution will return those funds as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after the institution determines the withdrawal date. Allocations of refunds and overpayments shall be made in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans
  3. Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loans
  4. Subsidized Direct Stafford Loans
  5. Perkins Loans
  6. Federal PLUS Loans
  7. Direct PLUS Loans
  8. Federal Pell Grant
  9. Federal SEOG
  10. Other Title IV assistance

Refunds allocated to the Federal Stafford, Direct and PLUS Loans must be returned to the appropriate borrower’s lender in the case of Federal Stafford or to the appropriate servicer in the case of the Federal Direct Loan. The student will repay in full or make a satisfactory payment agreement to the Debt Collection Union of the U.S. Department of Education.

Fines and Penalties

Several departments at the College have the ability to levy fines or penalties should a student not comply with applicable college policy. Failure to pay such fines or penalties will cause the student’s records to be held and processes, such as registration, diploma, and transcript requests, blocked until such time as the student pays his or her obligation to the College.

Departments which may levy fines or penalties, or require repayment/replacement of equipment are:

  1. Library
  2. Traffic
  3. Student Activities
  4. Business Office
  5. Others as authorized by District Board of Trustees policy

Students who do not return college property or pay college obligations may:

  1. be prohibited from future registrations,
  2. have transcripts held,
  3. have diploma held, and
  4. have other action, such as legal recourse, taken against them.

Bad Check Policy

The College is always striving to find ways to be more efficient and effective with our business policies in order to meet the obligation we have to our community to be fiscally efficient and accountable. Therefore, we will gladly accept checks as payment for tuition, fee, books, or for any other transaction. When you provide us with a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. You also authorize us to collect a fee pursuant to Florida Law through an electronic fund transfer from your account if your payment is dishonored.

Checks issued to the College for tuition and fees which are subsequently dishonored by the bank will result in students being dropped from classes by the Registrar. The student will have five working days from the day of notification of the dishonored check to pay all College fees, and may then be reinstated with the approval of the student’s class instructors and appropriate Vice President.

The dishonored check will result in a fee to the student of $30.00 or 5% of the dishonored check, whichever is greater, being placed on the student’s account.

Dishonored checks will immediately cause a hold to be placed on the student’s account preventing the student from registering or receiving transcripts until all outstanding fees are paid. A dishonored check may also result in the College no longer accepting checks on the student’s account.

State Employee Tuition Waiver Program

Florida Gateway College may waive tuition and some fees for state employees to enroll for up to six credits per semester/term on a space available basis. State employees using the Tuition Waiver Program are required to complete the State Employee Tuition Waiver Form and it must be signed by the employee and employee’s supervisor.

Students utilizing the State Employee Waiver Program may register online or bring a completed registration form to the Registrar’s office during the State Employee Tuition Waiver registration period which can be found on the academic calendar. If any class that the State Employee Waiver is to be used for has been registered for prior to this date, the waiver will not be applied.

The student must then bring in, fax or email the completed State Employee Tuition Waiver Form to the Cashier’s Office for the waiver to be applied. Students are responsible for any lab fees or additional fees. If the fees are not paid at the time of registration, the student will be dropped for non-payment. Course availability is on a space available basis only. This tuition waiver may not be used for a course offered as part of a limited access program.

Transportation and Parking

The campus is readily accessible by automobile from Interstate 75 and Highway 90. The main campus is located approximately six miles from downtown Lake City. Private automobiles are the primary transportation source for most students. Anyone operating any vehicle on any of the campuses of Florida Gateway College must do so in a safe, courteous, and legal manner. 

Parking facilities are scattered throughout the campus and available to students. There are several designated parking areas that are restricted for faculty and staff. Tickets will be issued for vehicles parking in unauthorized locations or operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner.

Campus Crime and Security Statistics

Florida Gateway College is committed to assisting all members in providing for their own safety and security.  Florida Gateway College prepares a security report annually. This report is required by federal law and contains policy statements and crime statistics for the college. The policy statements address the school’s policies, procedures and programs concerning safety and security, for example, policies for responding to emergency situations and sexual offenses. Three years’ worth of statistics are included for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus,  or on off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the college and on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus. This report is available online at  https://www.fgc.edu/administration/public-safety/ . You may also request a paper copy from the Department of Public Safety at Building 7 or by calling 386-754-4490.

Policy on Smoking

It is the policy of the District Board of Trustees that the use of any tobacco products are prohibited inside any buildings on campus, on covered porches or covered areas attached to covered porches, in hallways/corridors, or within 25 feet of any exterior door. Tobacco product use includes smoking and smokeless tobacco, as well as, synthetic products and vaporizers. The college has designated tobacco use areas on campus which include:

  1. The gazebo east of building 103
  2. The gazebo north of building 14
  3. Anywhere in an open-air area at least 25 feet from any sidewalk, building, or area where people assemble prior to entering a building.

Cigarette butts should be disposed of properly by using conveniently placed ashtrays. Failure to do so will be considered littering. Violation of this policy may result in warnings, fines, and/or other disciplinary action.

College Bookstore

The Florida Gateway College Bookstore is owned and operated by the College as a service to students, faculty, administration, and staff. Revenues from the bookstore provide scholarships for FGC students and other purposes consistent with College programs. The Bookstore works directly with faculty to determine and offer the required and recommended textbooks and materials needed for classes offered by Florida Gateway College including Internet and Distance Learning classes. The Bookstore offers new textbooks, used textbooks, rental textbooks, reference books, study aids, computer software, dictionaries, school supplies, art supplies, backpacks, calculators, imprinted clothing, and a variety of snack foods. Bookstore services also include special orders for books and computer software that are not normally carried in the store. The Bookstore organizes and conducts a textbook buyback for students to sell their used textbooks, which were originally purchased from the Bookstore, at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters/terms. The Bookstore does not purchase damaged, unneeded, highlighted books or licensed software textbooks at book buyback. All reusable components packaged with the textbooks such as disks, audio tapes and study guides must accompany the textbooks sold at book buyback.

The Bookstore accepts cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, and bookslips authorized by Financial Aid and the third-party billing office. Check and credit card purchases must be for the exact amount of purchase and require student identification. Students are encouraged to bring their class schedule and student identification when purchasing textbooks to ensure the correct textbooks and/or material is being purchased. Refunds on textbooks will be allowed during the first seven days of the fall and spring semesters and the first four days of each summer term. Students must provide the original sales receipt and new books must be returned in new condition and show no signs of use. The Bookstore reserves the right to not accept or to issue a partial refund for packaged textbooks that have been opened, textbooks with missing or used supplements (CDs, audio cassettes, access codes,) or textbooks that have been marked or damaged after purchase.

The Bookstore is located in the Student Union Building (014). We encourage students to shop their College Bookstore for textbooks, supplies, clothing, snacks, and excellent service. If you wish to contact the Bookstore, please call (386) 754-4320.


Florida Gateway College’s collection policy is if a student’s account becomes delinquent, they will be responsible for paying the College all past due amounts/service charges and any associated collection agency fees up to a maximum of 30% of the account balance, reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses incurred by the College in its collection efforts.